its been awhile
have tons of things
that i wanna blog about
time is precious
guess i'll jz go over them quickly..
went to aunts place
a cousin of mine[reading 老夫子]
very attach to his dad..haha
his dad say he is like
a goldfish's excrement..xDD
pic taken by my cousin..
the flash blinded my eye..aaaaa
reading 老夫子 too..xD
its was when my hair is longer than now..=)
this still looks long
but actually its really short T..T
hong yew's bday at his house
[ the one holding camera is his gf = Karen ]
[ n obviously the one blowing the candle is him ]
present for hong yew
from th & yl
time to move on..
out of the storm..
to the brighter side
taken from me house
when it sets..
at tarc basketball court
[ just there..not doing anything..xD ]
jeff at tunas

me leg after playing basketball
barefoot.. T.T
wooi lee n colddie
[ after tze wei's bday ]
(sorry if i spell wrongly any of ur names..=) )
after bday
went down to komtar
forget wats the name..
dono wat jabatan wat daerah timur laut penang
or something like that..xD
those ppl sitting at the front desk
doesnt actually know much
mostly their task is to refer us to someone else
n that person who they refer will refer u to someone
who holds a higher position
then their head
refer us to another department
all the governments informations
are scattered to so so so so many
diff departments..
we were bored..
playing with the table ~..~
or was it just me..erm..xDD

in class
planning to go to komtar again later
looks like a scene from the day after tmr
where the clouds spiral around a calm core of the storm
went to library to get some shut eye
then read the star
100 million years of no sex?
who can survive that long..xDD
[definately not me..xP]
those freaking omicroorganism must be GAY!!!
thumbs up~
its flooding on the outside
n its raining on the inside
park near the spiral stuff
the round-thing
the sky
this is the
as u can see.. 1 car..
and they say..
the informations we are searching for..
is not in their book..
[ some departments sells books containing their report
n some information regarding stuffs their department do..]
n the information is only available in their internal servers..
so we needa copy them all by hand ' ~ '
n colour all the diff areas by ourselves..
till now..
we haven finish colouring..=(
n look..
wats that out in the corridor of the town planning department?
lets have a closer look shall we..
is that a ping pong table?
maybe when they finish work..
they'll all change to shorts n tshits
n play ping pong?? @_____@
that looks a whole lot like [ mlm ]
such rude department..xD
[maybe im too sensitive with this kind of symbolz]
say NO
or any other languages u prefer
Arabic: رَفْض قاطِع
Czech: ne
Danish: nej
Dutch: nee
Estonian: ei
Finnish: kielto
French: non
German: das Nein
Greek: όχι, άρνηση
Icelandic: nei, neitun
Italian: no
Latvian: noliegums
Lithuanian: neigiamas
Norwegian: nei, avslag
Polish: nie
Romanian: nu
Russian: отказ
Swedish: nej
Turkish: 'hayır' cevabı, 'yok' cevabı
taken from 57th floor..
u can see penang bridge
the still under construction time square
overhead view of traders and half of the round thingie
overhead view of prangin
clouds n rain is covering more n more of the landscape
the mothership is here!!!
oh..its just the reflections of the lights in the office..
phewzz..i tod the world is goin to end
.jpg) that a place where they place leaflets..
why cant i see them from here?
maybe the leaflets are shorter than normal ones
to save cost or something..
why dont i put my hands into it to take one
without looking into the container 1st
that gotta hurt..
why u put a bunch of thumb tacks in there..
u need a pass to get to each specific floors
n this pass is only for the 57th floor..
but who cares bout the pass anyway
we take a pass and we can go to any floor..=)
the entrace of all those departments of penang
some books in popular
[went there after those departments closes]
was playing with those kids stuff in popular..xD
the following pics will do the talking for me..Lolx
at Golden Steamboat..playing with eggs..
today morning at car park

dark clouds are closing in
this is the remains of my broken antenna that i was talking about..
guess how much does the replacement cost me..
u got 10 lines of .... to think of an answer
ok..the ... lines are up
got the right answer?
i've tried to limit the length of this post
but since its been awhile..hehe
have tons of things
that i wanna blog about
time is precious
guess i'll jz go over them quickly..
went to aunts place
a cousin of mine[reading 老夫子]
very attach to his dad..haha
his dad say he is like
a goldfish's excrement..xDD
the flash blinded my eye..aaaaa
reading 老夫子 too..xD
its was when my hair is longer than now..=)
this still looks long
but actually its really short T..T
hong yew's bday at his house
[ the one holding camera is his gf = Karen ]
[ n obviously the one blowing the candle is him ]
present for hong yew
from th & yl
time to move on..
out of the storm..
to the brighter side
taken from me house
when it sets..
at tarc basketball court
[ just there..not doing anything..xD ]
jeff at tunas

me leg after playing basketball
barefoot.. T.T
wooi lee n colddie
[ after tze wei's bday ]
(sorry if i spell wrongly any of ur names..=) )
after bday
went down to komtar
forget wats the name..
dono wat jabatan wat daerah timur laut penang
or something like that..xD
those ppl sitting at the front desk
doesnt actually know much
mostly their task is to refer us to someone else
n that person who they refer will refer u to someone
who holds a higher position
then their head
refer us to another department
all the governments informations
are scattered to so so so so many
diff departments..
we were bored..
playing with the table ~..~
or was it just me..erm..xDD

in class
planning to go to komtar again later
looks like a scene from the day after tmr
where the clouds spiral around a calm core of the storm
went to library to get some shut eye
then read the star
100 million years of no sex?
who can survive that long..xDD
[definately not me..xP]
those freaking omicroorganism must be GAY!!!
thumbs up~
its flooding on the outside
n its raining on the inside
park near the spiral stuff
the round-thing
the sky
this is the
as u can see.. 1 car..
and they say..
the informations we are searching for..
is not in their book..
[ some departments sells books containing their report
n some information regarding stuffs their department do..]
n the information is only available in their internal servers..
so we needa copy them all by hand ' ~ '
n colour all the diff areas by ourselves..
till now..
we haven finish colouring..=(
n look..
wats that out in the corridor of the town planning department?
lets have a closer look shall we..
is that a ping pong table?
maybe when they finish work..
they'll all change to shorts n tshits
n play ping pong?? @_____@
that looks a whole lot like [ mlm ]
such rude department..xD
[maybe im too sensitive with this kind of symbolz]
say NO
or any other languages u prefer
Arabic: رَفْض قاطِع
Czech: ne
Danish: nej
Dutch: nee
Estonian: ei
Finnish: kielto
French: non
German: das Nein
Greek: όχι, άρνηση
Icelandic: nei, neitun
Italian: no
Latvian: noliegums
Lithuanian: neigiamas
Norwegian: nei, avslag
Polish: nie
Romanian: nu
Russian: отказ
Swedish: nej
Turkish: 'hayır' cevabı, 'yok' cevabı
taken from 57th floor..
u can see penang bridge
the still under construction time square
overhead view of traders and half of the round thingie
overhead view of prangin
clouds n rain is covering more n more of the landscape
the mothership is here!!!
oh..its just the reflections of the lights in the office..
phewzz..i tod the world is goin to end
.jpg) that a place where they place leaflets..
why cant i see them from here?
maybe the leaflets are shorter than normal ones
to save cost or something..
why dont i put my hands into it to take one
without looking into the container 1st
that gotta hurt..
why u put a bunch of thumb tacks in there..
u need a pass to get to each specific floors
n this pass is only for the 57th floor..
but who cares bout the pass anyway
we take a pass and we can go to any floor..=)
the entrace of all those departments of penang
some books in popular
[went there after those departments closes]
was playing with those kids stuff in popular..xD
the following pics will do the talking for me..Lolx
at Golden Steamboat..playing with eggs..
today morning at car park

dark clouds are closing in
this is the remains of my broken antenna that i was talking about..
guess how much does the replacement cost me..
u got 10 lines of .... to think of an answer
ok..the ... lines are up
got the right answer?
i've tried to limit the length of this post
but since its been awhile..hehe