Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In Memory of Sharon


losing someone

that had become an intricate part of us

holding back tears

would be impossible


someone who brought us great joy

with her cheerful nature

her dont-care-what-you-think-as-long-as-im-happy attitude

her everything

is now gone

like the wind that blows passed us

to a better place


is just too short

like a brief candle

with the burning of the candle

with every tick of the clock

with every grain of sand that drops

with every crashing of the waves against the shores

our lives wash away

like a sand castle

in the path of the rising tide

it's fate is inevitable

looking at the waves

that are about to crash

none can stop it

nor predict the end

its just a matter of time

till the last grain of sand

is washed away..

Fuck..i didnt even get her name

all thats left are mere regrets and memories

carpe diem


1 comment:

byron2julia said...

Her name is Sharon Ng Ching Fen

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