anything and everything that comes to my mind when im free n im staring at my comp with nth to do...xD
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
can turn out to be the most important of all..
those simple things that we over look each day..
taken for granted
like the rays from the sun
the annoying barking of your dog over some stupid object
the familiar smile of a friend
the serious look of a lecturer
it all might be gone in a blink of an eye..
dono why suddenly think of those stuffs to write..xD
too much of services makes me go mad
study 30more min..den I'll be on my way to sleepZzzz
Monday, January 29, 2007
正所謂人生如戲,戲如人生。許瑋倫正在拍攝一部偶像劇。按照計劃27日恰好是拍攝許瑋倫送醫急救的劇情,在新戲中許瑋倫飾演患有心臟病的女孩,這 場醫院的戲,許瑋倫突然病發昏倒送進醫院的情節,演員張復建有一句台詞:「你一定可以撐下去!」結果這場戲還沒有拍,女主角就被送進了醫院,可惜戲再也拍 不成了。
有粉絲在許瑋倫的部落格上留言表示,就算上帝帶走了許瑋倫的人,但是帶不走他們堅持力挺許瑋倫的心,還有她的作品,甚至有粉絲到現在還認為,許瑋 倫死亡的消息不是真的,希望她趕快好起來,有人是一邊哭一邊上網留言,不敢相信許瑋倫最後還是敵不過死神的召喚,氣質美女年輕的生命在此劃下句點,不過她 的一顰一笑,相信將永遠活在喜愛她的影迷心中。
許瑋倫2002年出道以來,情路雖不順,不過她在戲劇、創作、廣告有不錯的成績。 她曾創作「許瑋倫蛋蛋日記」和「許瑋倫的美麗七堂課」,也參與過包括「十八歲的約定」、「流星花園」、「惡男宅急電」、「偷偷愛上你」、「紫色角落」、 「狂愛龍捲風」等戲劇演出,更以「十八歲的約定」入圍金鐘獎女配角,堪稱是新生代實力派女演員。

this is the crashed car..hit by a lorry from behind..tragic..T_T
車子的後座一本雜誌剛好停在日本電影「死亡筆記本」的廣告中,書面都是血跡,難道許瑋倫在車禍前正在看這本雜誌嗎?電影死亡筆記本是日本暢銷懸疑漫畫死亡 筆記本真人版搬上大銀幕,描述的是死神路克為了排解無聊,在人間界丟下一本《死亡筆記本》,只要名字被寫上筆記本就難逃死神的手掌心。

freakiie isnt it...she was looking at a DeathNote ad when she crash..
and she was supposed to act in a scene where she had an heart attack
and was send to the hospital..
man..this world is jz filled with'll never know what will happen the very next second..or the next hour..or the next day..or the next normal drive to school..or the next flight to a business meeting..or jz a walk to your car..
you'll never know what will happen..its out of your wildest imagination..god's imagination is way better than ours..always giving us surprises..
it is hard to take the fact that ppl is disappearing from the face of the earth as we speak..
why? why do ppl have to die? why do ppl have to leave?
when they are gone..all thats left are sorrow..and more sorrow to those that they left behind..those that care for them..
well..this proves that we are not going to live forever..
we might be gone the next second..
theres a saying in Spanish " carpe diem "
which means cease the day..
grab hold of the time u've life to the max..
but..its kinda hard to achieve that..
easier said than done
all I can say is ..haizzz..
human lives are jz so damn fragile
handle with care wilya
drive maself carefully!!!
and this is the link to her blog
Friday, January 26, 2007
NO PORK~~!! xD
NO PORK!!! i tell u..xD
i call the police i tell u..hahax
some singaporean dude wif a partner in crime at mamak name RK House..haha
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Jordan Knight & Deborah Gibson - Say Goodbye
Jordan Knight
best known as the lead singer of the boy band, New Kids On The Block (NKOTB)
Deborah Gibson
who was a teen idol in her youth. At age 16, Gibson was the youngest person to write, produce, and perform a #1 hit single with her song "Foolish Beat"
I've been so lost lately
I don't really understand baby
Where did I go wrong
I wanna talk to you
Please call
Where do I begin with you
after all that we've been through
I don't think that it would be right if we
got together so suddenly
I wish that I could take back all of the things that I said
and replace them with simply I love you instead
You didn't wanna say goodbye
But you never really seem like you wanna try
But I only wanted you to stay
and then I let you just slip away
If you didn't listen to your heart inside
then it really doesn't matter what was on your mind
and if you need me then tell me why
Girl, I never meant to say goodbye
Mmm Oh yeah
I think about the past baby
Why we couldn't make it last, lady
I know you still have doubts
But I'm gonna prove that we can work things out
I wanna be sure that you know what you put me through
and reveal that you intend to never let me down again
It's clear to me and I can't ignore
that I have to give you something I couldn't before
You didn't wanna say goodbye
But you never really seem like you wanna try
But I only wanted you to stay
and then I let you just slip away
If you didn't listen to your heart inside
then it really doesn't matter what was on your mind
and if you need me then tell me why
Girl, I never meant to say goodbye
I didn't think that we would come to this
Ooh, no
Your eyes, your face, your smile is what I miss
Why did you wait so long to take me back
It's all a simple misunderstanding
You didn't wanna say goodbye
But you never really seem like you wanna try (Never wanna try)
But I only wanted you to stay
and then I let you just slip away
If you didn't listen to your heart inside
then it really doesn't matter what was on your mind
and if you need me then tell me why
Girl, I never meant to say goodbye
You didn't wanna say goodbye
But you never really seem like you wanna try (But I never meant to say)
But I only wanted you to stay
and then I let you just slip away
If you didn't listen to your heart inside (Never meant to see you cry, never meant to say)
then it really doesn't matter what was on your mind
and if you need me then tell me why
Girl, I never meant to say goodbye
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Circle Drawer
can u draw a his?
and keep it that round..xD
he is the World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion!!
1) exam is coming..8 more days to go..and everyone seems to be very pia this sem..=( ..dono y.. later everyone eh result also keat keat i ma gai..==
2) everyone including me jz gave ourselves permission to start our study week one week in advance..xD went to class yesterday..6 ppl..not bad la..hahax
3) lecturer ask us not to ask lecturers for tips..because its a very sensitive word..might get them into trouble! so ask lecturers which part sud we focus on..xD
4) last time dono where or from who or accidentally heard or saw tiok someone wana listen to OST of Sinking of i guess it gotta be nice..haha.. so went to search for the song online.. found out its actually not bad! =)
so..i'll post them.. :D
SunMin thanX Kubota - Keep Holding U
夢はなぜか儚くて 朝の風がそっと奪う
유메와 나제카 하카나쿠테 아사노 카제가 솟토 우바우
꿈은 어째서인지 덧없어서, 아침바람이 살짝 빼앗네
恋はふいに苦しめて 言葉、行き場 全て閉じ込める
코이와후이니 쿠루시메테 코토바유키바 스베테토지코메루
사랑은 갑자기 고통을 주고, 할 말과 갈 곳 모든걸 가두어
途切れない(途切れない) この願い(この願い)
토기레나이 (토기레나이) 코노네가이 (코노네가이)
끊을 수 없는 (끊을 수 없는) 이 소원 (이 소원)
말로는 할수없는사랑스러움은 고통을 견뎌낼 정도로 흘러넘쳐가
守りたい(守りたい) 迷わない(迷えない)
마모리타이 (마모리타이) 마요와나이 (마요에나이)
지키고 싶어 (지키고 싶어) 헤매지 않아 (헤맬 수 없어)
카사네타 코도- 하테마데
겹쳐진 고동, 끝까지
巡り合えた (make it right) いのちは (You & I) 時も越えて響き合う
메구리아에타 (make it right) 이노치와 (You & I) 토키모 코에테 히비키아우
다시 만난 (make it right) 생명은 (You & I) 시간도 뛰어넘어 울려 퍼져
たとえ涙落としても(落としても)抱きしめられてずっと Keep Holding U
타토에 나미다 오토시테모 (오토시테모) 다키시메라레테 즛토 Keep Holding U
만약 눈물을 떨어뜨려도 (떨어뜨려도) 그대 품에 안겨져서 계속 Keep Holding U
君がくれた情熱を (so my love) 季節に変えて帰して行こう
키미가 쿠레타 죠-네츠오 (so my love) 키세츠니 카에테 카에시테유코-
그대가 준 정열을 (so my love) 계절로 바꾸어 되돌려보내자
키미니 소마루 멜로디오 카제니 노세테 즛토 토도케요-
그대에게 물든 멜로디를 바람에 실어 계속 전하자
守りたい(守りたい) 迷わない(迷えない)
마모리타이 (마모리타이) 마요와나이 (마요에나이)
지키고 싶어 (지키고 싶어) 헤매지 않아 (헤맬 수 없어)
무네노 츠바사 히로게테
가슴의 날개 펼쳐서
코노 우츄-오 이로도루 카케라노마마 카음지아우
이 우주를 물들이는 조각인 채로 서로를 느껴
타토에 토오쿠 하나레테모 다키시메테이루 즛토
만약 멀리 떨어진대도 꼭 껴안고 있어 계속
巡り合えた (make it right) いのちは (You & I) 時も越えて響き合う
메구리아에타 (make it right) 이노치와 (You & I) 토키모 코에테 히비키아우
다시 만난 (make it right) 생명은 (You & I) 시간도 뛰어넘어 울려 퍼져
たとえ涙落としても(落としても)抱きしめられてずっと Keep Holding U
타토에 나미다 오토시테모 (오토시테모) 다키시메라레테 즛토 Keep Holding U
만약 눈물을 떨어뜨려도 (떨어뜨려도) 그대 품에 안겨져서 계속 Keep Holding U
Let me love u, I'll hold u
Let me squeeze u and we gonna sing this song
Let me love u, I'll hold u
Let me squeeze u, Baby On and on and on
Let me love u (On and on)
I'll hold u (I want you hold it tight)
Let me squeeze u (Let me love)
And we gonna sing this song (We gonna sing this song)
Let me love u, I'll hold u (Not it to where will be find)
Let me squeeze u (No)
Baby On and on and on (because i wanna hold you tight)
Let me love u (make it last), I'll hold u (make it last forever)
Let me squeeze u (make it last)
And we gonna sing this song (make it, we can make it)
Let me love u (make it last), I'll hold u (make it last forever)
Let me squeeze u (make it last)
Baby On and on and on (make it, we can make it)
Let me love u (make it last), I'll hold u (make it last forever)
SunMin ft. HyeSung - Keep Holding U
both have the same lyrics..xD
prefer the later one..=)
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Lupe Fiasco ft. Jill Scott - Daydream
I fell asleep beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
On a beautiful day
I dream of you and meet the flowers
For a couple of hours
Such a beautiful day
As I Spy From Behind My Giant Robt's Eyes
I Keep Him Happy Cause I Migh Fall If He Cries
Scared Of Heights, So I Might Pass Out If He Flies
Keep Him On Autopilot Cause I Cant Drive
Room Enough For One, I Tell My Homies They Cant Ride
Unless They Sittin On The Shoulders But Thats Way Too High
Lets Try, Not To Step On The Children
The News Cameras Filming Us Walking Project Building
Now Theres Hoes Sellin Hoes, Like Around The Toes
And The Crackheads Beg, At About The Lower Leg
There's Crooked Police That's Stationed At The Knees
And They Do Drivebys Like Up And Down The Thighs
And As The Car Chase Going On At The Waist
Keep A Vest On My Chest
I'm Sittin In My Room As I'm Looking Out The Face
Something To Write About
I Still Got Some Damage From Fighting The White House
Just A...
I fell asleep beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
On a beautiful day
I dream of you and meet the flowers
For a couple of hours
Such a beautiful day
Now Come On Everybody Lets Make ...And Cool
We Need A Few More Half Naked Women Up In The Pool
And Hold This Mack 10 That's All Covered In Jewels
And Could You Please Put Ya ...Closer To The 22s
And Where's The Champagne We Need Champagne
Now Look As Hard As You Can With This Blunt In Ya Hand
And Now Hold Up Ya Chain Slow Motion Through The Flames
Now Cue To Smoke Machines And The Simulated Brain
But Not Too Loud Cause The Baby's Sleepin
I Wonder If It Knows What The World Is Keepin
Up Both Sleeves While He Lay There Dreamin
Me And My Robot Tip To Round Creepin
I Had To Turn My Back On What Got You Paid
I Couldn't See Had The Hood On Me Like Abu Ghraib
But I'd Like To Thank The Streets That Drove Me Crazy
And All The Televisions Out There That Raised Me
I Was...
I fell asleep beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
On a beautiful day
I dream of you and meet the flowers
For a couple of hours
Such a beautiful day
the guy part..hahax
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Dashboard Confessional - Stolen
We watch the season
Pull up it’s own stakes
And catch the last weekend
Of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced
Another sun soaked season fades away
You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart
Invitation only
Grant Farewells
Crash the best one
Of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed
Too early to say goodnight
You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart
And from the ballroom floor
We are in celebration
One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all
Will sleep well
Sleep Well
Sleep Well
Sleep Well
Sleep Well
You have stolen
You have stolen my
You have stolen my heart
Watch you spin around
In your highest heels
You are the best one
Of the best ones
And we
You have stolen my
You have stolen my
You have stolen my heart
limewire any sites to recommend???
nice song~!!!
NOTE: the MV of stolen sounds faster than the audio ones..
Monday, January 15, 2007
How to Punish Someone Who is Speeding?
have 5 cars surrounding him for a week
driving 20km/h...BUAHAHAHAx
when he is driving on the highway..gege
and everyone is doing like 100km/h
he will be like Commmooooooooooon......moooooooooove a lil faaaaaster!!!!
heard this joke from seinfeld..haha
even thou the show is kinda old..1990..
but its really funny..haha
the jokes..the actors..they are great!
especially Jerry Seinfeld
he is the main character in the series
as well as the creator of the series
with a total of 180 episodes..9 seasons..
they won 3 Golden Globes. Another 57 wins & 111 nominations(more)
a very great achievement!!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Samsons - Kenangan Terindah
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang tlah hilang darimu
Yang mampu menyanjungku
Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itu pun
Aku mampu tuk mengenangmu
Kutemukan hidupku
Kau lah cinta sejati
Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang tlah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah
Friday, January 12, 2007
Nice Song
woke up this morning and it's a beautiful day
when we are together now
everything is gonna be alright
the future is gonna be so bright
a song from Toyota advertisement..
kinda like this song..=)
try to look up for this song..
but doesn't seem to be of any known singers..=(
i guess its by Toyota..xD
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
TiRing daAy
yesterday morning..around 1~2..
i started to do my finance assignment[cos lazy+forget]..which is to complete a set of 4 questions..
essay questions...n its for our coursework..liau..nonid sleep d..~.~
thankfully i've made some
i have photocopy 2 of my frens answer..hehe[the assignment is suppose to be handed over on friday]
but took me hours to the time i finish its already 4something..
went to my comp..chatted wif beh for awhile..dono chat wif him for wat pun..xD
went to bath soon after that..n lie down on my bed..
cant sleep..=,= lie there till around 5 something baru sleep ki..
gotta wake up early..cos i have to submit the finance assignment b4 the lecturer arrives + eng assignment outline b4 lecturer arrives..[scare over due date lecturer will reject]
alarm wakes me up at 750..not enuf sleep..cant get up..
straight sleep back...till 830... so f**ked up liau.. kena arrive b4 9 n its already 830...~~~~~~
quickly rush to coll..reach there at a lil over 9..habis..
went straight to find finance lecturer eh office..[cos she is new so dono where is her office + she is still in her temporary office ]
walk lai walk ki..walk up walk down..also cant find tiok her office..gai liau..
canot chap so much d la...pass up eng outline 1st..
went to eng lecturer office..[which is on the other block.....]
walk from 4th floor to ground floor..across tarc..then up 4 floors again..
as soon as i walk in..she is sitting there leh..
she ask me, yes? u're here for?
i jz gave the outline to her..n told her my printer broke down so cant pass it up on the set date..xD
dono she buy it anot..haha..she jz nodded..i think her sim cheng is good..haha
then 930 her class..went into tutorial room..
surprise..everyone s reading BC[building construction]..
i ask hardworking loo..xD
then i baru know today got test..==||||| WTF
i totally lost memory of the test..really kau lat liau..
start to read in class..
then after eng..straight go BC lecture..
start the test..walau eh..
everyone open their text book and put it on their lap to copy...
no-eye-see..sit bong
someone bside me even keng-er..grab all the answers paper when we were passing up..
and copy all the answers........
after that..went BM[building material] class..tired..
b4 class starts..went to find the finance lecturer again..this time wif directions..=)
but she is not in...[her temporary office is in the conference room...beh kuai cant find tiok]
went back to class..sipek aikun liau..
after BM straight continue wif BC tutorial..
present our report of the windows, doors, and stairs of our SOT block..
after our turn..i jz sleep on the table infront of my lecturer..hahax
she din chap siau me..hehe
when i wake up..the class end liau..xD
after that its finance d..
while waiting for lecturer i sleep again..hehe
then when she reach..pass up the assignment to her..
dono who tell her that i whole day run her run there searching for her..xD
then today eh class got a new student..hahax
sing kuang came in to our class..don wana leave..haha
then our lecturer jokingly say he need to pay RM5 for the class..xD
he listen for 1 hour lidat..then beh tong liau..go find his gf d..haha
tiring..reach home wana sleep..
but end up chatting..aftr that wana rest..
end up helping dad..after that wana nap..
ended up watching tv den dinner..
wana bath..but ended up writting this blog..while consoling th..
last night baru sleep 3 hours lidat nia..
tahan whole day..
really beh tahan liau..xD
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New Year Eveee
the day b4 went out late..also forget the details liau..
jz rmb that i watch the Seed of Darkness..
then went subaidah n met a class mate..
ok..back to the point..xD
planned to go a lil late.cos we are goin to adeline's place for steamboat.
then watch the fireworks from her place..waited for obai n wooi lee.then th,obai,wl n me head off.
after reaching there we waited for tw who fetch the rest..hsien also reach soon after that.
th was impatient n started to walk down the road.then i saw a bmw, so jz say "tw is here d" to play wif him.. mana know..when i look into the them lai..xD tw drive his bro eh car..
then th announce to us not to let adeline's parents know bout their relationship..cos her parents still don know bout them "yet" will tell bout that yet later..hehe
tw, layz n gf,yz n gf,n us went upstairs..upon reaching there..
we jz sit around the steamboat..and started to eat..hahax
when we were digging in on the unexpected guest arrive..xD jeff eh mui mui..hahax
after awhile of eating, drinking, chatting, joking, guessing, n stuff jeff eh mui mui wif fishballs..
we decided to leave the table so the others can eat..=)
while we were sitting around the living room watching some cartoons..
tw dem decided to test jeff..GG
call his mui mui to msg him asking him when can he finish his work..he said 9 something..
when ask him whether he is free..he said.. steamboat wan go ornot also nvm 1 la..=="
den he even said..where u wana go? i go fetch u....-.-'''
BUAHAHAHA..let us found out..
originally jz wana call him come over to giv him a surprise that his mui mui is there..
manacai we got something even better..GEGE
wif nothing much to do there..we decided to go over to gurney..
but afraid that there wont left much parking we park our cars near subaidah there eh shell eh lorong..den we walk to gurney..on the way's on the phone wif his complicated jit pun kuih..dono argue bout wat..
we gather infront of secret recipe..waiting for the rest n ah khun n yz eh fren to reach..
while we were waiting we spray, play around, and suan jeff who reach there too..hahax
he beh thong d..go sit by the bushes n hide himself inside it..xD
den suddenly dono who told me got someone calling me..
i turn n saw my dad eh fren eh cute little daughter calling me..haha
the whole family were there..i think dey were leaving as they also ask me how to get out of there..cos at that time gurney drive is closed..
met some form5 eh frens..all came back from kl n some even further..=)
happy to see dem again..hehe then more sprayzz..haha
walk to gurney drive to continue our waiting..den met some other ppl that we sprayed together on christmas eve..den chee hao came..even when he is sick..haha
when it's almost 12..we caught th n try to take of his pants..den everyone beside who we dono..
all spray into the sky n scream..haha not very successful thou..=(
soon after that we caught him again..xD and this time we caught him well
no way he can get out d..but the bystanders spray him in the face..haha
den a lot went straight into his mouth..den he beh tong..kept on we let him go..
too bad..haha
after the countdown..we decided to go crown prince[ crown jewel ] so we have jeff to fetch us to there so we don hav to walk to our cars..met a few classmate on the way..=)
and also ah beh..we shake hand n stand there for about 1 min..^^"
we don know where he parked his car so we jz follow him..
we walk from the front of gp to sunrise..then to the back of gp.. =="
wuden walking straight tru gp be a lot faster?...holy mother of swt-ness...
when we ask..he told us he park near one stop there..
after awhile of jamming we finally reach the beach..parked in crown jewel underground parking lots..sat at the beach..with the strong wind blowing against my face..
listening to the sound of waves crashing against the sands..
makes me sleepiie..hehe
tw continue wif his fon feeling usual..xD
those couples do wat dey r suppose to do..hahax
obai, wooi lee n chee hao went to join their frens..
head down to subaidah soon after that..the business was so good that everything is finish..
even any kind of roti also habis..most kind of nasi n mee goreng also finish..
we all ordered large drinks..but some of us din get large..cos the large glasses finish too..haha
and poor wooi lee..
he ordered neslo n nasi goreng ayam..when the drinks came..
everyones came except for his..he needa order again..
den when the nasi goreng came..everyone also get theirs..
except for him..hahax
then he get a call from his sis..asking whether he brought house keys out..
bad news..he din brought it out..
habislah..both bro n sis din get to go back home..hahax
sleep in car till parents wake up..xD
while we were at bro n his frens who were waiting for me to fetch dem back..
dey got nth to went to the road side to take pics..hahax
they waited for more den an hour..xD
then dey beh tong liau..came and stand beside pur table..n say they are trying to pressure us..haha
and bout that "yet"..haha
this happen the following morning which is 1 Jan 07
th's gf msg him saying that her parents know bout them..
then they are angry at her..and wanted her to end it asap..=(
th down loo...but we all dono..he din tell us bout that..
ask us to go to his place..we sense tiok something wrong d..
so we all go lo..originally i tod i kno where is his house..
but i found out that im not really that 'know' the whereabout of his house..haha
then that layz dono how to give directions eh..mahaizz..
tell me wat shell petrol station..look around up n down also cant find any shell..
then he baru tell me its hidden from my angle..=="
then th tell me got a car park...see lai see ki also bo car park..
then he tell me actually hoor..
its an empty piece of land..which mostly ppl park during the night cos of not enuf parking space..
but i think giving me directions lighten him up a lil..
as layz or him told me that tears was flowing down his face when layz reach his house..
i dono wat happen..until i go press his
after some games..he kaki open his msg to let me see..haiz..too bad leer..
1st day of a new year..sud be the start of something..
but it turns out to be the end of something else..
woo..its getting early..445am d..
wana sleep liau leer..don wana sleep till too late tmr..
still got some assignments to finish..~~~
hope u all have a wonderful 2007
stop staying in the past..move forward..
stop regretting wat u did..
cos there is no use of regretting when u cant change anything that is done..
even if u can change the past..the now u r living in might change bcos of that..
and the entire path u take will be different..and u might lose more than u gain..
by then..u'll regret for regretting the wat u did..
or it might jz turn out fine..n u'll live happily ever after..hahax
07 is here..gotta work harder to be better than my 06-self..xD