正所謂人生如戲,戲如人生。許瑋倫正在拍攝一部偶像劇。按照計劃27日恰好是拍攝許瑋倫送醫急救的劇情,在新戲中許瑋倫飾演患有心臟病的女孩,這 場醫院的戲,許瑋倫突然病發昏倒送進醫院的情節,演員張復建有一句台詞:「你一定可以撐下去!」結果這場戲還沒有拍,女主角就被送進了醫院,可惜戲再也拍 不成了。
有粉絲在許瑋倫的部落格上留言表示,就算上帝帶走了許瑋倫的人,但是帶不走他們堅持力挺許瑋倫的心,還有她的作品,甚至有粉絲到現在還認為,許瑋 倫死亡的消息不是真的,希望她趕快好起來,有人是一邊哭一邊上網留言,不敢相信許瑋倫最後還是敵不過死神的召喚,氣質美女年輕的生命在此劃下句點,不過她 的一顰一笑,相信將永遠活在喜愛她的影迷心中。
許瑋倫2002年出道以來,情路雖不順,不過她在戲劇、創作、廣告有不錯的成績。 她曾創作「許瑋倫蛋蛋日記」和「許瑋倫的美麗七堂課」,也參與過包括「十八歲的約定」、「流星花園」、「惡男宅急電」、「偷偷愛上你」、「紫色角落」、 「狂愛龍捲風」等戲劇演出,更以「十八歲的約定」入圍金鐘獎女配角,堪稱是新生代實力派女演員。

this is the crashed car..hit by a lorry from behind..tragic..T_T
車子的後座一本雜誌剛好停在日本電影「死亡筆記本」的廣告中,書面都是血跡,難道許瑋倫在車禍前正在看這本雜誌嗎?電影死亡筆記本是日本暢銷懸疑漫畫死亡 筆記本真人版搬上大銀幕,描述的是死神路克為了排解無聊,在人間界丟下一本《死亡筆記本》,只要名字被寫上筆記本就難逃死神的手掌心。

freakiie isnt it...she was looking at a DeathNote ad when she crash..
and she was supposed to act in a scene where she had an heart attack
and was send to the hospital..
man..this world is jz filled with uncertainties..you'll never know what will happen the very next second..or the next hour..or the next day..or the next normal drive to school..or the next flight to a business meeting..or jz a walk to your car..
you'll never know what will happen..its out of your wildest imagination..god's imagination is way better than ours..always giving us surprises..
it is hard to take the fact that ppl is disappearing from the face of the earth as we speak..
why? why do ppl have to die? why do ppl have to leave?
when they are gone..all thats left are sorrow..and more sorrow to those that they left behind..those that care for them..
well..this proves that we are not going to live forever..
we might be gone the next second..
theres a saying in Spanish " carpe diem "
which means cease the day..
grab hold of the time u've got..live life to the max..
but..its kinda hard to achieve that..
easier said than done
all I can say is ..haizzz..
human lives are jz so damn fragile
handle with care wilya
drive carefully..to maself too..drive carefully!!!
and this is the link to her blog
車子的後座一本雜誌剛好停在日本電影「死亡筆記本」的廣告中,書面都是血跡,難道許瑋倫在車禍前正在看這本雜誌嗎?電影死亡筆記本是日本暢銷懸疑漫畫死亡 筆記本真人版搬上大銀幕,描述的是死神路克為了排解無聊,在人間界丟下一本《死亡筆記本》,只要名字被寫上筆記本就難逃死神的手掌心。

freakiie isnt it...she was looking at a DeathNote ad when she crash..
and she was supposed to act in a scene where she had an heart attack
and was send to the hospital..
man..this world is jz filled with uncertainties..you'll never know what will happen the very next second..or the next hour..or the next day..or the next normal drive to school..or the next flight to a business meeting..or jz a walk to your car..
you'll never know what will happen..its out of your wildest imagination..god's imagination is way better than ours..always giving us surprises..
it is hard to take the fact that ppl is disappearing from the face of the earth as we speak..
why? why do ppl have to die? why do ppl have to leave?
when they are gone..all thats left are sorrow..and more sorrow to those that they left behind..those that care for them..
well..this proves that we are not going to live forever..
we might be gone the next second..
theres a saying in Spanish " carpe diem "
which means cease the day..
grab hold of the time u've got..live life to the max..
but..its kinda hard to achieve that..
easier said than done
all I can say is ..haizzz..
human lives are jz so damn fragile
handle with care wilya
drive carefully..to maself too..drive carefully!!!
and this is the link to her blog
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