Tuesday, January 13, 2009


my fellow homosapiens~~

a very good day to all!!

=] x] =]

i haven been posting much lately

even though ive got plenty in my head to blog

and my brain keeps on telling me: " blog them all out you lazy m*t*e*f*c**r!!! "

i know the *s dont serves much purpose as anyone with the correct up bringing would understand it anyway..LOL


with me posting this..

means that i will not blog about those stuffs that are on my head

for now..

hopefully soon..

x] =] x]

not saying that theres any people eagerly anticipating my posts..

i dont think theres any..LOL


pimples are popping up like spring grass after a long and cold winter

that no herbicides is able to defeat!! darn it!! xD


class starts today - monday - 12 of Jan 09 - not the day that i post this..xD


new arrivals~~~~

new intake students came for the orientation today..

theres only one guy..the rest all girls..

sounds good isnt it? xDD

will be at the ADP booth and maybe at the Editorial booth as well for tomorrow..

i should go do something that i should have done a few hours earlier but doing it now than later would be better as later would not be better then doing it now and doing it earlier would be even better then doing it now which is better than doing it later x]

i better go sleep

xD x] xD

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